Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

Lucky to have a job?

Friday, May. 14, 2004
I have to go to work tomorrow. I don�t want to go. I just don�t want to put on that polyester again.

Ok that�s out of my system. Today was a pretty boring day because I spent 3 hours on the phone with Michelle. I love talking with her but it really takes a big chunk out of my day.

I did go to Home Depot which is always a nice experience. Speaking of Home Depot the local news did a whole series about sex in public places including Home Depot. I then heard that Home Depot is like some sort of national meeting place for gays wanting to have quickie sex. Even though I had a married guy try and pick me up at Home Depot and the thought of having sex with him in one of the stalls in their restroom sounds pretty hot, hearing about it on t.v. and hearing about a 13 year old boy walking in on it kinda took the excitement out of it.

Off to the Grand Caymans and back tomorrow and the next day. I hate working weekends. I hate working vacation destinations on the weekends. I hate vacation destinations period. Ok I�m going to stop complaining now. My Mom gave me the big lecture on how I should be lucky that I still have a job. But should I be lucky that I have a job that I have outgrown. When I was at the airport the last time I saw a flight attendant who I know. His name is Gillian. He used to work for Pan Am when they were known as Pan American Airways. He is 81 years old. I heard that he was officially the oldest male flight attendant in the U.S. and if I�m not mistaken he is the longest flying male flight attendant. I think he�s been flying for 60 plus years. The bad thing is Gillian looks 80 he looks 90 and in our uniform he looks ridicules. I feel like I�m too old for this job. This job is for hot men and women. Not for old people. This man is older than my parents. When I saw him it took me back to that John Mayer song that I referenced a while ago. I wonder did he wish for something better. Yes he�s had some exciting stories. I�ve enjoyed them but there�s a part of me that thinks. Gillian, that�s for all your hard work and dedication but it�s time to go home.

9:58 p.m. :: 1 comments so far ::
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