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...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS


Monday, Jun. 21, 2004
I�m not sure why this is bothering me. But I watched queer as folk last night. Now please note that I really never watch the show because, well for a lot of reasons but let�s just not get into it right now. I know that the majority of gay men love the show but I�m not one of them sorry if I must turn in my gay card, anyway, I was flipping channels and there it was . I hadn�t watched it since last season, way last season, so maybe this is something that has been building up but someone please tell me why the blonde lesbian girl is now having sex with men. Is she bi-sexual? I don�t know why it bugs me. I guess part of the reason I don�t enjoy soap operas too much (gay or otherwise) is that it skews reality and makes problems when there wouldn�t be. Ok now I remember when I stopped watching. It was when they made Justin�s new boyfriend (I don�t remember his name but he played the violin) cheat on him for the soul creative purpose of getting Justin back with Bryan. It wasn�t realistic to me. Could the writers not think of anything more original? Now maybe this story line with the blonde lesbian has been building up for a while but to me it just brings about all of those stereotypes about lesbians just needing the right man to come along to as a character on Buffy the Vampire said once to get them �driving stick� and to make them the heterosexual women that they need to be. I�m not a lesbian so maybe it shouldn�t bother me so much. Also the guy that the skinny effeminate guy is now sleeping with (ok I know I should know more than two characters names but forgive me) the football player. Is this going to be the season where he�s going to play the abused boyfriend? I just sense it. I must add that I did enjoy the part with ok, sorry again I really should just go online and look up their names but I don�t feel like it, I think his name is Michael; anyway I liked the story line with his partner almost straying and then realizing that the guy just wanted AIDS. I actually read an article about that recently about all of these gay men who are purposely trying to get aids, like it�s a badge of honor or something. God I�m getting old. Anyway I enjoyed that part a lot. The end of the queer as folk review (not that you asked)
7:38 p.m. :: 4 comments so far ::
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