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...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

Happy Father's Day

Sunday, Jun. 20, 2004
Jab and I went to my parent�s house for father�s day. It�s amazing to me how easy it is to please my Dad but then how fast he can really mess it up. I really wish that I could get a long with my Dad the same way I do my Mom. I love my Dad, don�t get me wrong. He�s a good man and a great provider and all he wants is for me to be close to him but I can�t. I don�t know why. It bothers me so much. I cut his hair today and he was so happy just to spend time with me and all I wanted to do was just cut it and go. My Dad is an alcoholic. I realize that now. I realize that he must have alcohol to have a good time. I realize that he�s had a messed up childhood that makes him go to alcohol and makes him be the center of attention. I hate that for him because he did such a good job at giving me a life that 99.9% perfect. He worked two jobs for me. He worked construction in his late 40�s so he could provide for us even though he�d never done much manual labor. I guess that even though we�re not as close I�m pretty damned lucky. I have a lot of friends who don�t have fathers . JAB�s father died when he was 18. I need to work harder with my Dad. He wants so little. He was so proud of today. JAB, my Mom and I gave him a lot of small gifts but he said that thing he enjoyed most was just spending time together. Who could ask for much more than that? Happy Father�s Day.
11:21 p.m. :: 1 comments so far ::
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