
Ian - 2004-06-22 01:45:16
I think the creator and writer of the original British show was right, by the sounds of it, to have only two seasons and a one-off round-up-the-plotlines episode. More than that and it would have become too soapy.
thomas - 2004-06-23 20:02:30
i totally agree, this is going to be the season where emmet becomes the abused boyfriend. and i'm not really sure why they even have him sexing up a straight boy with sexuality issues anyway.
Jamie - 2004-06-27 00:04:40
Just randomly stumbled upon your diary. My problem with QAF is this: If my life were anything remotely *close* to how they live their lives on that show, I'd have offed myself by now. The show depresses me to no end. Like your blog a lot. :) Take care ~ Jamie
J.P. - 2004-06-28 21:59:55
I couldn't stomach Queer As Folk after the second season, and that was a stretch. Do what I did. "Just Say No." :)

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