Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS


Monday, Apr. 21, 2003
JAB and I went out to dinner and then went out again. The whole going out to a bar is starting to give me mix singles. Not really bad but it�s ruining out Sunday. We just don�t know when to go home. We didn�t walk into the door Saturday nite, Sunday until 4 am. We didn�t actually go to sleep until 6 for obvious reason. We didn�t get out of bed until 2. Which ruined out plans to go to Easter Brunch. The main thing that happened on Saturday was that I met Bob�s boyfriend who I have called husband . I think it was a set up, well I know it was. This is part of the reason why I don�t like to hang out or really deal with people from work. Male, Gay flight attendants, at least the ones I know are very immature. So gossip runs rapid. 3 or 4 flight attendants go to Mary�s every Saturday. I don�t like most of them. I know this goes back to me thinking that I�m better than they are. I don�t. I just think they live a sort of incestuous relationship. Again I know this is my hang up but they�ve slept with each other at one time or another so it just seems weird to me. I�m not saying that I can�t be friends with someone that I slept with. I am. It is just strange to me to see a group of guys where they�ve all been with each other. Again it�s my hang up. Anyway Don, Bob and husband were at the corner of the bar. I saw them as soon as we walked in. They didn�t see me. I really wanted to leave but JAB said that I shouldn�t let them run me out. Rob came up to me and gave me a hug and asked if I was still mad at him. I didn�t say anything I raised my eyebrow which should have given him the answer. This is the thing I really like husband. I talked to him for almost 2 hours. I so get his pain and I know that a lot more pain is coming his way. He is my age and has 2 kids. He�s been married for 13 years. He loves his wife but he�s known for a long time that he was gay. Bob was the first and only man he�s been with ever. He told me that he is in love with Bob and is really thinking about leaving his wife. He told me that Bob gave him an ultimatum that he had to tell his wife by the end of June. I don�t know what to do. JAB says that I should tell husband what Bob�s plans are but I really don�t think he would believe me. I was telling husband that Bob was really sweet but had a lot of growing up to do. He totally disagreed with me saying how Bob is so mature for his age and that he could see himself living with Bob the rest of his life. I believe that in my heart husband should be honest to his wife. It�s not fair to her and to the kids but I think he should do it on his own terms not because he�s forced to. I told him this but he said that he doesn�t want to mess up anything that he has with Bob. I know I should stay out of it but I continue to think about what happen to a friend of a friend. He was in the same situation. He was married, met this guy, fell in love and then left his wife. In leaving his wife he lost his job and lost custody of his daughter. The guy who he left his family for told him 3 weeks later that he didn�t really want a relationship and they broke. The guy tried to commit suicide. Luckily for him he didn�t succeed but from what my friend told me. He has never been the same. I�m not saying that it�s going to happen to husband I just don�t want to feel responsible since I know what Bob�s plans are. Then I think well what if Bob is only talking big. Maybe he does like husband. Husband is very nice, cute, has a great job. What�s not to like. Maybe Bob will fall for him for real and not see it as a game.

I guess I should just stay out of it. It�s not my problem. I tried to drop hints to husband but I don�t think he was listening. I have to go and start getting ready for work. I can�t wait until June. I�m taking the whole month off. I will be broke but I really think it will be worth it. I hate rainy days like this. It makes me think too much.

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