Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS


Friday, Jan. 25, 2008
Because JAB and I live a very seclude life. That probably isn't the right word but I can't think of a better word now but we don't have tons of friends. We have moved to a neighborhood where we know more friends but I'm guessing compared to other Gay people or Straight people we are pretty isolated. So tonight we run into situations like where we had dinner in town and JAB wanted to stop by one of his friend's house who is near where we ate but she is very low key and after my week I needed something more spirited so we thought we'd check on one of our neighbors who we realized were out of town and now we're here at home with nothing to do. Is it strange that we can't have fun with each other. But we need that third/fourth party fun. So now I have a good buzz with nothing to do with it but write here. This probably isn't making sense but this is what I see as one of our problems as a couple.
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