Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS


Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2008
My plan was to go back to church this year. I'm hoping that maybe my lack of organized religion is the reason my life has been in such a shamble but as usual my weekends go by so fast that by the time I think about it it's Sunday. My Mom has given some religious reading material that I do read everyday but the scripture part honestly bores me.

Then yesterday I felt bad because I prayed that we wouldn't be able to find verification that a client stated she brought in and we didn't find it. That's not right.

Work makes up 8 hours of my 14 hours awake time. That's why it's so important to me. Leaving Delta was supposed to help me decide what I wanted to do. Now I know but it's ten times harder because of course what I want to do isn't something that I can just go to school for and get my goal. I want to go to church again I just too emotionally tired to make it happen. I need perseverance.

I hate, hate is a strong word but I dislike that JAB is so attached to these stupid reality shows. He's watching American Idol now and it's pissing me off. He spent as much time learning how to use the net I wouldn't have to pay every bill for him online. Ok that's bitchy. I need to stop.

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