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...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

Ford, I will not miss you

Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2005
Sometimes things hit me for different reasons that I can�t fully explain. This is one of those things.

It�s been over 13 years since I last owned an American made car. I had a Ford Probe that I owned many years ago. I�m not anti American or anything but I�ve never liked them. Ford products to me have been the worst styled cars. I can�t think of one Ford car that I even half way like. All that being said, if one day Ford came out with a car that I liked I would consider it. I never liked Chryslers until they came out with that Chrysler 300
. I love that car and have been tempted to test drive one. So I�m not completely a foreign car snob. However I�m very angry with the news that Ford pulled its ads
from Gay publications. I think it�s cowardly and gutless and unless something changes I will never ever in my life buy a Ford or let anyone I know buy one. Their lame press release pissed me off more.

This country has to turn around. Being Gay isn�t hurting anyone these fanatical Christians are. Now they�ve started this fake War on Christmas crap. . Come on when is this nonsense going to end.

4:50 p.m. :: 0 comments so far ::
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