Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

I'm back...Kind of

Sunday, Dec. 04, 2005
I�m not quite sure why I haven�t posted anything in over a month. I have a lot to say or write but just not quite sure how to begin. It�s kinda like so much has happened in the past 30 plus odd days that I would be playing some serious catch up.

A lot that has been going on has to do with house. I haven�t written about it here because I just haven�t wanted to talk about it. But since it looks like it�s all going to hell I might as well. We put our house on the market about 6 weeks ago. Part of the hesitation of putting the house on the market was our previous experience with the last realtor. It was awful. He made us feel like we were doing him a favor. Our house sold from beginning to end in about 2 months. We had an offer in 3 weeks but for some odd reason the husband backed out. We discovered later that the odd reason was that he was leaving his wife. Which he did. We�ve always been looking for a new house. I should say that I�ve been JAB never wants to go through the process and is actually pretty happy here. I�m always the one who seems to want to move. But this time I want to move just one more time. I want a house that has 90% of what I want. I believe in climbing the ladder until you find what you want. So this house was just a wrung for me. Anyway, one day JAB and I were driving around and we saw this house. It was very close to where we live now and the price was right. It was actually a foreclosure. So we called the real estate agent who had the house to look at it. It was brand new but it had most of the qualities that I wanted. It had the extra bathroom and the fireplace and I could have a huge master suite. Of course before we could put an offer on the house we had to put our house on the market. I initially wanted to go with someone who knew our area but the realtor who was selling the house we wanted suggestion a man in his firm who only sold houses. He sold us on the fact at this agency everything is specialized. There�s a person who does the buying and a person who specializes in selling. It sounded good to me.

So we put our house on the market. The real estate guy made it sound like this transaction was going to be so easy. Of course 5 days after we put the house on the market the house that we wanted was taken back to Fannie Mae to be given to the Katrina Victims. I�m just going to say no comment because what I have to say isn�t very nice and I�m trying to get over my prejudice of the Katrina Victims so I�ll move on.

We found another house. In my mind a better house. It was further away but it was a better house. It was larger and wouldn�t need any work at all. We put the money down and waited and waited for our house to sell, for someone to even look at our house, for someone to even come to a Saturday Open House. To make a long story short, JAB called me yesterday to say that someone wanted the house we wanted and didn�t have a contingency. So that�s two houses that we�ve lost. Now we have to decide what to do. Do we take our house off the market and just deal with this ill designed house or do we keep it hoping we find something else. I sick of this whole process and I really want to fire our agent. But neither I nor JAB have the guts to do it.

I�m trying not to get bogged down with depression but it�s hard. I stopped writing here because I felt that it just became a place for me to bitch about my life and how unhappy I seem to be and how unfair I think the world is. Is that health? I don�t know. I still love reading other people�s blogs and diaries I just don�t have the taste for writing one anymore. But I also feel like getting my feelings our are important. I�ll guess we�ll see.

I�m thinking doing what Thom and Badger did and go to a blog style version on my diaryland. My journalspace already does that. Oh well it�s time for me to start getting ready for bed. The one thing I�m going to miss about the house we wanted is that I would have had a huge closet. It would have been so much easier to pick out what to wear to work.

8:22 p.m. :: 0 comments so far ::
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