Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS


Wednesday, Sept. 07, 2005
My parents came home tonight from their vacation. I picked up them up from the airport and drove them home. It was late. As always they wanted me to stay but I have a real job now where I have to be at work fairly early. They don�t get that all the times, neither do I. As I�m leaving JAB calls their house because I forget to call him when I got their. I tell them I will call him on my cell phone on the way home.

I�m driving home. Not 30 seconds away. I�m talking to JAB. I see a car that seems to be in my lane. There are no lights on this winding road. He looks like he�s in my lane. HE IS IN MY LANE. I drop the cell phone and makes a drastic turn to the right which is putting me into a ditch. He or she I�m not sure whizzes by me. The care is red. It rips off my driver side mirror. JAB hears the collision. I slam on the brakes afraid that I�ll go deeper into the ditch. My car is not stopping. I slam harder and the car stops. I�m in the ditch. I look back and the car has stopped and then drives away. My hands are shaking. I pick up the phone, JAB is yelling my name. I tell him what happened and he said that he heard the collision.

I�m pissed and sad but mostly I�m happy. I really could have died tonight. I�m not ready. NO matter how fucked my life seems to be right now I�m not done yet. I know this sounds melodramatic but no one NO ONE saw how close I came to getting in a head one collision. There is nothing left of my side mirror. The impact was so hard that it cracked my driver side window.

I can sleep right now. I have to be at work in 6 hours and I have an important meeting. I�ve had two drinks and taken a sleeping pill but I�m awake.

1:35 a.m. :: 0 comments so far ::
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