Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

Quck pass

Friday, Jul. 22, 2005
I�ve gained about 10 pounds since I changed job. The thing that I don�t understand is how. I feel like I�m really eating less because I�m not eating all of the fast food that I ate before. I rarely eat past 7 pm anymore. But I feel very fat and unflattering.

Yesterday when I got home from work I got my official separation notice from Delta I also saw that I couldn�t log into employee site anymore. Which I admit bothered me a little. I do believe that I did the right thing. I wasn�t happy being a flight attendant any more. Yes there were aspects that I like. Yes for some reason it�s getting harder for me to get up in the morning but once I get up I�m ok going inside my building. I like the fact that I park and walk inside as opposed to having to park and wait for the employee bus and then get on and got to five stops and then finally get to the airport. The best thing to me is that I�m home every night. I like my bed. I thought that I would miss the layovers but honestly towards the end I was doing turns and they pretty much took our long layovers away except for international and after 15 years of being there I would have to get move ups and I would only get them on the weekends. Again I wonder if I picked the wrong airline to fly or is this job really for 22 year olds and I out grew up. Hearing the news of Delta�s impending bankruptcy there�s a part of me that doesn�t care but a part of me that feels like they did this to themselves by hiring a greedy CEO who gave himself and his friends huge bonus when we were working with nothing. I was reading how America West and Continental are making money because one of the things they did was improve employee morale.

I still want to travel. I�m hoping to convince JAB to go to NYC with me in October. The thing is that I know my parents are going to want to go to and I have a hard time telling them no. I don�t think I have it in me to have them and my JAB with me. I want to go to Canal Street and buy my knock off watches and wallets.

My Mom is somewhat taking my resignation the hardest knowing that she will no longer be able to fly for free. When they travel now I will not be able to take them to the gate anymore since I don�t have an airline ID. But the thing is that I�m happy. Except for the weight thing. ..

9:44 p.m. :: 0 comments so far ::
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