Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS


Wednesday, Mar. 30, 2005
Please, please write me, comment or something. I�m dying here. I can say that I was happy to find a Mexican restaurant. They served Margaritas. The first one was very weak and I spoke with the waiter in my broken Spanish which some how impressed him so the second one was pretty strong.

The thing that happens when I drink is that it magnifies how I�m feeling which right now isn�t great. I want to talk to people. I want to have conversation but it�s not going to happen here. I�m so sad and depressed. I�m not really sure. I want company I want laugh and have a good time. Is that too much to ask?

When I had dinner tonight I was sitting across from a bunch of college kids. I started thinking if I was happy that I was past time or envied their na�vet�. I really loved college. I mean I really did. I loved all of it and sometimes I think I peaked there. Is that normal? It�s like there was a part of me that realized that that was the best time of life. When I could goof and look forward to the drink specials on Thursday nights. It wasn�t like I was a slacker because I knew that I had 4 years to finish my undergrad but there was also a part of me that realized that this was a time that I didn�t have to take life so seriously. Of course I wonder if I had these feelings and revelations when I was actually in college because I also remember being very bored in college but of course right now I�m only thinking about the good things which I assume is normal.

Ok I have maybe 48 hours left here so do me a favor and either write something to me or something in your damned diary so I you�ll give some thing to read during my last nights here.



9:35 p.m. :: 5 comments so far ::
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