Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

Day Three of Training

Tuesday, Mar. 29, 2005
First I want to answer TMB�s question he asked in my last comment section, no I�m not in Athens. I wish I were. I�ve heard great things about Athens.

Ok I admit this now. I�m at this point I am whining. I�m not sure if I�ve already mentioned this but I bought a bottle of rum to take with me to my training session. I put it in a flask Saturday night. A few hours later I saw that the flask had leaked out a little less than half of my pint of Rum. Well at this point I�m almost out of rum. I could very easily finish it off tonight. There�s not a liquor store in this city. I may be able to buy beer or wine I hope so.

Tonight I went out to dinner with 7 of my classmates. To say that I was bored was kind of an understatement. One woman pretty much took over the conversation and she was, well how can I put it, let me give you some examples, she called a remote control a �clicker�, she asked if we wanted to go to the �theater� tomorrow, (she meant the movies), and the biggest thing she actually said this in a conversation �I was speaking with this client and she was the nicest colored person.� I actually assumed that I misunderstood what she said but another classmate brought her to task and she asked me and the other Black woman if we were offended. I said that I was just a little shocked that people still used that term. She didn�t seem to have any shame or embarrassment, she said that she was a girl from the country, which to me, is not an excuse. When she said that hadn�t seen broccoli until she was 22 years old I was pretty much through and dieing for a drink but since no one at my table ordered anything besides water or sweet tea (I was the renegade who ordered Diet Coke).

I went to the mall today and even though it was very small and the anchor malls were JC Penny�s and Belks, I saw a couple of guys who I assumed were Gay. I actually think I saw a Lesbian couple and a Black Gay couple. They were all very young. There are times that I wonder what life would have been like for me if I could have been open when I was very young. I guess it�s easier now even in a town like this but then I wonder if they�re open or just obvious.

Ok, I�m jumping around but I don�t always get this �outing� thing. In some instances I think it�s appropriate i.e. Jeff Gannon, Ken Mehlman and honestly those still kind of bother me a little but as Click towleroad stated, what�s the point of outing an American Idol contestant. Who really cares and what�s the point. If he�s Gay, which it seems like he is, does it really matter? Like my dream husband Anderson Cooper is it really any of our business?

I guess I�m going to finish my bottle of Rum. This trip has made me realize how much I like being home. I just heard that Johnny Cochran died today. Even though I felt OJ was guilty and didn�t understand how Mr. Cochran could defend him I had read many years ago how Mr. Cochran did so many cases pro-bono. Cases that I�d never heard of because they weren�t important to the media. He will be missed.

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