
Thom - 2005-03-30 21:49:07
You'll make it! Only a couple more days, then you'll be out of that suffocating little town and back home. Don't let it get to you!
jodo - 2005-03-31 00:36:34
*tickle* *tickle* *tickle* hehehehe I've got nothing serious to write. Hang in there, it's all about attitude.
Ian - 2005-03-31 01:29:42
I'm not sure what the time difference is so hopefulyl some of that time thee will be passed by you being asleep! Just focus on all the positives that are going to come from this, and try to relate to how short a time 48 hours really is. You're gonna be fine! PS There's know...fiddling with yourself. Ahem.
Ian - 2005-03-31 01:31:11
Blimey, there were a couple of outrageous mistakes in that. Where the hell did 'thee' come from?
flying-kiwi - 2005-03-31 15:03:14
What Thom said. And please stop climbing the walls, you're ruining the wallpaper. :o) It's nice to read that honesty...not many of us actually admit to needing the feedback, but I think we all do to some degree or we'd lock our journals.

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