Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

List of thoughts

Saturday, Feb. 19, 2005
This week has been a whirlwind of activity. It�s one of those times that I have so much to say but it�s all jumbled up. I guess I�ll do my normal list thing which is easier for me.

1. My Dad has some sort of respiratory infection which the doctors are greatly afraid will turn into pneumonia. My Dad is 70 years old and he gets on my nerves greatly but I�m so afraid of loosing him. It hits me over and over again that he�s 70 and I have at best what ten years. That�s being generous. I�m afraid and trying desperately to prepare myself for the phone call or the long stays in the hospital that will inevitable happen.

2. So far I love my new job. I don�t know much of what�s going on which is exciting and I have to admit that getting up every day is a bit trying but I can honestly say that I�m happy. Yes at the end of the day I�m exhausted and it�s amusing to me how little time you actually have when you get home from work.

3. Even though the state says that we only get an half an hour lunch my immediate supervisor told me that I get an hour as long as I don�t abuse it.

4. I don�t miss being a flight attendant at all. NOT AT ALL. (At least not yet).

5. JAB told me that he�s afraid that at some point I�ll regret leaving my airline and want to go back.

6. I love deciding what I�m going to wear everyday. I love business casual and jeans on Friday.

7. Deciding who is deserving of public assistance is hard. Some people are truly deserving. A lot of people aren�t.

8. While training on Friday three people tried to qualify using fake pay stubs.

9. One of them looked real to me but my mentor showed me the things that made them obviously fake. But in my eyes if they could use those talents in some sort of graphic design firm or something they wouldn�t need public assistance.

10. The bad thing about this job is that I�m somewhat forced to go back into the closet.

11. There are six men on my floor of about thirty cubicles and none of them talk to me.

12. One of the women said that they are threatened by the new guy.

13. I think one guy may be gay. I thought two were but he wore a hockey jersey on Jeans day. Which doesn�t mean anything.

14. I�m afraid because right now I�m really happy and when I feel this way something always happens to ruin it. I�m afraid.
15. Here are some pics of the new airline uniform for men . This is my favorite . Not sure if it�s the guy or the uniform but I love the coat and I wish that I had that confidence pose. Will post the women�s uniform soon if anyone really cares.

10:52 p.m. :: 1 comments so far ::
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