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...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

Not as crazy tonight

Thursday, Feb. 10, 2005
Ok I just want the 16th to get here because I�m tired of stressing about this new job I also need some money. JAB and I are so broke right now. I hate living this way.

MY parents and I are having a major disagreement. They believe that for a while I should do this new job and then fly on the weekends. At first I thought they were just kidding but today I realized that they were serious. I tried to explain that first of all it would be hard for me to make my schedule work so I could fly something just on Saturdays and Sundays because those types of trips are pretty senior because working mother�s like working those days so that the father or whomever can watch the kids. I could hold trips that left on Friday and came back Sunday but what about my real job I think they want me to be there on Friday. I think part of the problem is that my parents think that being flight attendant suites me. They�re always telling me how I don�t like going to work everyday and how I don�t like the mundane. They don�t understand that this life has become mundane to me. Yes I realize that there�s going to be days when I�m not going to go to work. There�s going to be days when I�m just praying for 5 pm to come but hello that�s like 90% of America. I�m trying not to get upset with them because they mean well and they�re looking out for me. I appreciate it but it makes me feel like they think I can�t do anything but be a flight attendant.

Ok new subject. I was watching this program today about Black people on television. It�s amazing to see how far we�ve really come since the early 30�s and 40�s but also in some ways how far we need to go. There are times when I think or I try to think that race really doesn�t matter anymore but then I read articles like this and it hurts my heart. Even if I could afford I will never buy Prada. In all honesty I�m not even sure if they make stuff for guys but come on we have to get with it. It�s not about being Black it�s about representing the people of this country and the world.

Speaking of biases I was talking to a friend of mine today. He is a new Log Cabin member. JAB and I get along with his partner better than this guy and it�s not because he�s a Republican, it�s because he tends to speak at some point when someone says let�s just agree to disagree he never does it. I really mean at times his partner has to verbally tell him to move on. We started talking about this whole scandal with Jeff Gallon . I told my friend that he was a hypocrite. I�ve read some of his writing about Gay marriage and he to me seemed to have a dislike for Gay people. But guess what, his alias owns a whole bunch of domain names such as,,, Sounds pretty gay to me. You know what I can get past the whole thing with him being planted in the White press core. I don�t trust this Whitehouse very much anyway but I don�t like hypocrites. Of course my friend believes that this is just a smear by the left wing press and that they have �ruined� his good name. Ok I can�t even go there. I try so hard to under Gay republicans but I just can�t. I consider myself open but they can never tell me how they can reconcile the Republican�s dismal record on human rights with being a minority. I�m trying so hard to be more open. I really am but I just can�t see his point of view. Oh well, since we�re all going out to dinner tomorrow night it�s better that we got the conversation out today as opposed to boring JAB and the other guy.

10:04 p.m. :: 0 comments so far ::
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