Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS


Friday, Jan. 07, 2005
I don�t really have much to say or comment on. I�m just thinking that I need to try to post something at least once every couple of days or so.

Just a quick roundup on events. Nothing really too interesting. I was asked to take the state test to be a family independence case manager. I�m not sure how I did and I�m not sure how much I even want the job if I did do well. I know I don�t want to be a flight attendant anymore but do I really want to deal with DFACS and those types of things. My Dad thinks it�s not the right job for me. But of course no one knows what is.

Everything scares me so much I don�t even know what is right for me to do in five minutes.

I really truly don�t have a lot to say. I�m enjoying my IPOD but I prefer Musicmatch to Itunes. I know there�s probably something wrong with me but on my computer Musicmatch sounds better. I�m listening to my 70�s collection which makes me feel good and melancholy at the same time. I loved the 70�s even though I was only about 8-10 when my true memories kicked in. I�m listening to Summer Breeze by Seals and Croft which reminds me of the day my Dad went to Thailand for six months. It wasn�t a good time but for some reason I just remember the song playing on the radio when I was crying and my mother was crying too but also trying to comfort me. She ended up just taking me in bed with her and we fell asleep. The next song up is I�d really love to see you tonight by England Dan & John Ford Coley which was played ad nauseam by my camp counselor when I was in Texas that I ended up loving the song. It reminds me of the summer when my Dad was back and everyone was happy and I got to do archery and arts and craft. God life was so simple then. The funny thing to me is that I thought the song was kind of dirty because he said he wasn�t talking about movin� in which to me in my young age was pretty scandalous.

I just really wish I knew then what I know now. Is that normal?. I wish that I had a rewind so I could fix the junk that I screwed up. I wish that I really enjoyed those 70�s more. But then again who doesn�t.

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