Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

The New Year

Saturday, Jan. 01, 2005
Jab and I had a pretty uneventful New Years Eve. We didn�t fight so I feel like I�ve walked into the New Year on a positive note. The only bad thing I can talk about is that Mary�s the bar we frequent decided to do karaoke and I�m not a big fan so I was kind of bored but I had enough drinks to keep me pretty occupied. We met a nice straight couple tonight. I wish I had a connection to gay people as I do to straight people. But you have what you have.

I know this sounds very clich� but I really believe that this is going to be my year to move out from my job and to find myself. I'm hoping that maybe we can find a way out of Iraq and hopefully my parents can stay semi healthy for this hear. I'm thinking that maybe this will be the year that I will find happiness. I�m going to make it happen. I�m tired of being down and depressed and maybe part of the problem is that I tend to wallow in it all. So starting today I will try to be more positive. I can�t promise anything because all in all, I�m still a mess inside but aren�t well all.

Happy New Year.

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