Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

Can't think of anything good to go here.

Wednesday, Dec. 29, 2004
I�m telling myself that I�m lucky. I�m lucky that I have a job, that my parents are alive, that I don�t have any rare or common disease but I�m tired of being depressed and let down. Does that make sense? I�m tired of being tired of being tired. I truly believe that my job is 75% of the problem. I�m at the point of just saying I quit and going to Target or Best Buy to work. I don�t really want to do that but I don�t want to deal with my airline anymore. They�ve completely taken away all the joy I�ve tried to muster this past week. How do I let that happen? I�ve applied for a job at DEFACS. It pays nothing but I would be helping parents with children get welfare and food stamp benefits. Even though I feel like a lot of people abuse the system I want a job where I can feel like I�m helping people. I want to be the one person who people want to go to because I will help them and not just make them feel as if they are a number.

I�d really hoped that my new year wouldn�t end the way it began but it seems like it�s going to. I hate that.

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