Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

Was going to be live but now it's not.

Thursday, Dec. 02 2004
I had all intentions of posting yesterday from Indianapolis but unlike most of the hotels we stay in they charged us for 800 calls so I decided not to.

The trip was very interesting. Another guy who was cute but not really my type but who looked good in his jeans and a woman who was in her 50�s. She was a lesbian but wouldn�t really come out to us which I didn�t understand since she was flying with two pretty open gay men. But who knows.

I really was hoping that the other guy was gay, which he was; the thing is that I really wanted to go out last night. I like going out in Midwestern towns because a lot of times it�s the new meet syndrome and I usually do ok in those types of scenarios. It�s not that I�m looking to hook up with someone. I just want to flirt and I can�t do that here because I think it would be rude to flirt in front of JAB. Anyway the three of us went downstairs for drinks and food but at 11:40 the bar closed. I wish I had the guts to say let�s go to this bar. From what I understood it was only about 2-3 miles away. If we were at the old hotel I would have gone out by myself. I�m saying that but who knows if I would have.

I guess the main conclusion is that I�m so bored with this job. Even with a long layover, nothing much happens. I go out maybe two or three times a year with this job so what�s the point. Hotels gross me out now. There always seems to be hair in the shower. I know that maids can�t be perfect but it�s just a strange thing that I have about finding hair in the shower. Then my mind starts wandering because I see how gross people are on the airplane. There�s so many times that I see that people don�t wash their hands. They�ll blow their nose and put Kleenex in the seatback pocket. Hello someone has to pick that up and the cleaners don�t usually wear gloves because they don�t have time to put them on.

I need to really be sending some online resumes for some jobs that I saved earlier in the week but I�m really tired. I just want to go to bed which I will probably do.

I was telling the other male flight attendant how hard it is to make friends. I gave him the impressions that JAB have a lot. We don�t. I wish that I could get past the not having flight attendant friends thing. There�s a part of me that I�m hoping that someday I will be able to leave but when I do we will defiantly have a fewer friends. Atlanta is a hard place to meet people. Especially when you are older and hooked up. Then we have the whole thing with JAB and I being of different races. It doesn�t always matter but we�ve had situations where they�ve met either JAB or me first and then found out that the other partner was of a different race and they�ve been turned off. Then JAB is not a hip 47 year old. I don�t know if one exists but he is really happy talking about the good ole days than what�s going on today and most of the people who I meet are younger than me and then end up being much younger than him.

Life is hard but I�m happy that I have someone to come home to. It�s not perfect but nothing is.

I have a busy week this week. My parent�s lawsuit trial thing is Tuesday. I�m dreading it but I also just want it over. I�m tired of being stressed. That�s why there�s a part of me that just wanted to go out and be a different person and dance and talk to people who didn�t know me. That�s always fun. But I figure that this is telling me that my time with that type of life is over.

I feel like I�m rambling now so it�s probably time for me to go to bed.

11:17 p.m. :: 1 comments so far ::
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