Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

What I'm thankful for

Thursday, Nov. 25, 2004
I was going to do one of those bitch sections about how bad my day at work was today and how people don�t realize that it�s a holiday for me also but I have to work so I�m not always going to be in the best spirits. It�s not that I�m mean or anything it�s that I take less crap from people than usually.

But all that doesn�t really matter. Today is a day to give thanks and here is what I�m thankful for.

1. As far as I know I�m in good health. With cancer going around like a common cold it seems I�m happy to be healthy.

2. The fact that I got home in time have Thanksgiving dinner with my parents and JAB.

3. The fact that I can pretty much trust JAB alone with my parents. It doesn�t stress me out anymore like it used� or not as much.

4. The fact that for 2 years in a row I�ve been able to spend Thanksgiving with my parents and JAB.

5. The fact that I can go to my parents house for Thanksgiving and not have to worry about how full the flights are or how early I have to get up to go to the airport. I now just get in my car and go home. It�s so strange that two years ago I would call them 4-6 hours after I left them. Now I call them 45 minutes later to tell them that I�m home. That is a true blessing.

6. The fact that I found this diaryland thing and I�m able to post how I feel.

I will return to bitching about life tomorrow.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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