Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

10 observations

Friday, Oct. 15, 2004
I didn�t have a lot to write today so I thought I would just do something simple. My top ten observations today.

1. It pains me to admit it but George Bush Jr. was cute when he was younger. He didn�t age well though.

2. For some reason it irritates me that newly out soon to be ex governor McGreevey is out and about at a Gay event. I know this is probably my judgmental side coming through but isn�t he still married. Are they separated? I�m happy that he�s finally come out and that he�s making the steps of opening up to everyone but what about his wife. She is the victim here. A lot of people I know believe that she knew all the time but I don�t know that to be true. Sometimes I question the morality of the Gay community. Ok I�m not even going to go there.

3. There was a few seconds today that I really thought that John Kerry is going to win the election and become the next president. Of course a lot of that had to do with the fact that I�ve finally found the the Air America station in ATL. It�s so refreshing to hear the left get down and dirty and obnoxious.

4. There�s a huge part of me that isn�t shocked to see that Bill O�Reilly has been accused of sexual harassment. Why do I have this nagging feeling that it�s not true?

5. Seeing this guy and the whole cast of the show apprentice made me realize that looks are close to everything when it comes to being a success. Of course there are huge exceptions to that rule but there�s not one real ugly or fat person on the apprentice. Is it normal for a recent college graduate to be a marketing director? God I feel like a looser some times. I must stop watching t.v.

6. I have been repeatedly applying for the same job at home depot and I realized today that they have changed their requirements I�m not qualified anymore so that there is no need for me to apply. I need to start networking.

7. My credit score is so low and I�m not sure why. I was turned down for an American Express card. My self esteem is starting to bottom out.

8. One of JAB�s long time clients is exhibiting some strange behavior. She is 85 years old and is starting to exhibit signs of dementia. He is frightened because she has become a grandmother to him and because she is one of his higher paying clients. He feels guilty that he�s concerned about her health not only because he loves her but because he needs the money.

9. JAB and I need a vacation or a change or something. I�m not sure what but we need something. Sometimes I feel that a change is coming. I don�t know why. Maybe it�s wishful thinking but I feel that something good is going to happen to get us out of our rut.

10. Got some pictures back from our friends who came to visit last weekend. I didn�t look too bad. I wish that I had the courage to post the pictures because for once I looked ok. I wonder if I�m too anonymous. Should I be hosting diaryland parties? But then I think that if I weren�t so anonymous then I couldn�t be as free to write as I am right now. There are two people that I used to read that have recently closed their blogs because their significant other found out about it and read them. Luckily for me JAB has very little interest in computers and probably doesn�t know what a blog is. I would be devastated if JAB or anyone else in my family or close circle read this thing. It�s true but not always pretty. So I guess many of you will have to just imagine how good the picture look of me and that I now see that in the right angle my double chin is almost gone.

12:35 a.m. :: 1 comments so far ::
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