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...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

I Hate People

Wednesday, Oct. 06, 2004
I missed the vice presidential debate but I�m ok with that. I used to think that George Bush was the Anti-Christ but looking at Dick Cheney. He truly scares me. JAB and I are having company this weekend which means that we are in over drive fixing stuff in the house. Good thing, we�re getting it done. But we don�t work too well together when it comes to construction stuff which is what we were doing but we got past it and ourselves and we�ll be done tomorrow.

Sometimes I hate people. I hate bigoted racist people. Especially people who are obviously bigoted but are too ignorant to realize it. I was at a book store and ran into a colleague I use the term usually because I�m a flight attendant, we don�t have colleagues. I digress. We did the small talk thing where you ask, �have you seen so and so.� I asked about someone and he said, �He�s fine, he�s dating this Oriental guy.� I cringe at that term for so many reasons.

Having grown up with a lot of people from the Asian region of the world I pretty much can tell the difference from a Japanese person and a Korean or Chinese and Thai. I�m wrong at times but usually I�m pretty good so I can say, he�s dating a Japanese guy or what have you. Well in my training as a child I was told that calling someone who is Asia Oriental is like being called Colored which may be acceptable in South African but here in the USA. As I was told by a good friend who was Chinese, rugs and vase are Oriental, people are not. So granted I have a thing about it but I felt, hey let me do my part in spreading knowledge to the world so I said, �He�s Asian?� Hoping he catch a clue but this guy goes on to say, �Yeah he�s oriental. You know none of them are cute at all and they all have small dicks. I could never date an oriental� I had it at that point. I blurted out; �God� how racist is that.� He looked at me with shock and then said, �No I didn�t mean it that way I just meant that I never see cute Orientals around here.� I said my goodbyes and left. Granted again I grew up in the West and have seen many, many hot Asians. It was a treat during a recent layover in Toronto that I actually saw Asian strippers at a Gay bar. I just hate all of the, I can�t date put in your own race. I can honestly say that I don�t have a type when in comes to race. I can name a hot guy in every race known to man. Yes I have preferences. I�m not a big blond fan and people who are too tall don�t turn my head right away but I can name hundreds of instances where I�ve been attracted to someone blond or tall or Asian or White or Black or Hispanic or European or � You get my point. There needs to be some sort of public service announcement in the gay community. Ok I�m off my soap box.

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