Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

Diamonds, Daisies, Snowflakes, That Girl

Tuesday, May. 04, 2004
I�m in a crappy mood. I know why I am I just can�t really shake it which irritates me. We got a phone call from the attorney dealing with my Mom�s lawsuit and it just put me in a vile mood.

Then my friend Michelle, after months of procrastinating about this stupid magazine calls me up and needs me to do all of this work by tomorrow. The thing is that I�m not getting paid. How do I tell someone that they really can�t put pressure on me when I�m doing it for free? I keep telling her that I�m not a website designer. I dabble. I do very amateurish work but then she wants me to do things that can probably be done but not by me and not for free. Didn�t mean to rhyme there.

Then my stomach hurts again. I�m afraid that the old pain that I had the end of March is back. Really it never went away. I need to make a doctors appointment. I�m extremely sad that my vacation is half over. I had almost 3 weeks off and it seemed to flew or is it fly by. I think it�s fly. Anyway I�m just in a pissing mood. I had a beer hoping it would lift my spirits but it didn�t.

The only thing that is getting me through the day is the theme song of That Girl that a friend sent me as a joke. I told her how when was a child the show would come on and for some reason it would scare me. I would run to my mother and beg her to turn it off until the theme song was over. I�m not really sure why but back then it made me a nervous wreck. Someone how this friend of mine found it and sent it to me. It�s such a campy late 60�s theme song. It could never be played today. So in case you�re in a bad mood too here is dbfeb�s number one theme song of the day (That Girl MP3(probably not best for work so turn volume down) by Earle Hagen and Sam Denoff.

Diamonds, Daisies, Snowflakes,

That Girl

Chestnuts, Rainbows, Springtime...

Is That Girl

She's tinsel on a tree...

She's everything that every girl should be!

Sable, Popcorn, White Wine,

That Girl

Gingham, Bluebirds, Broadway...

Is That Girl

She's mine alone, but luckily for you...

If you find a girl to love,

Only one girl to love,

Then she'll be That Girl too...

That Girl!

Words to live by.

Tomorrow I may share my obsession with batgirl and her motorcycle them song.

9:25 p.m. :: 0 comments so far ::
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