Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

JAB's Brunch

Sunday, Mar. 21, 2004
JAB�s surprise birthday brunch was today. I�ve been drinking since 12:30 but I feel better so all is good. I want to thank everyone who sent out the good vibes. I�m feeling better and I do believe that those things help so thanks.

JAB was totally surprised. I�m not sure if I talked about it here but Ellen, one of his clients and close friends though of having a surprise brunch for him. I was supposed to help but I was sick all week and couldn�t do much but she pulled everything off. He was so surprised he was speechless which never happens so it was a success. I haven�t told him yet that we�re going to San Juan for his birthday. Some people think I should just tell him on Thursday but others think I should give him notice.

I�m leaning towards giving him some notice to get his affairs in order. If you want to comment please do.

I�m thinking again, for some reason that. No I don�t want to continue because it�s negative. Ok I�m moving on. There�s a part of me that�s worried because I�m feeling better now but when you�ve been sick for the whole week you�re very cautious.

There was a straight guy at the brunch who I found myself very attracted to. I would never do anything but I have such guilt for finding other people attractive. I know that it�s probably not even an issue but I don�t know if it�s normal.

I figured out again today that JAB and I never invited to other people�s homes. That�s why I had such a good time today. I didn�t have to stress. It wasn�t my party.

How does spam continue to flood my Diaryland email?

Ok I need to go to bed now. Again if you have an opinion about when I should tell JAB that we�re going to San Juan please leave me a note or comment or email or something. I know that things are not funny or insightful here but it�s all from my heart so it must count for something, right?

10:22 p.m. :: 1 comments so far ::
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