Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

A job related posting

Friday, Jan. 30, 2004
For some reason. This post will be almost 100% job related. That being because I�m in a shitty mood and there�s some family issues that are going on that I�m sick of talking about to my parents so I�m not really in the mood to discuss here. I also wanted to give the few people remaining who actually read this a break. First I finally saw the show Airline . I was totally disgusted. I could never work for Southwest. I�m not that peppy. Then I realized that I was wrong for being disgusted. I hate the job. They obviously love it. Especially the older female flight attendant who was singing to the passengers. If they made us or even suggest that we had to do that I would have to quit and I guess start working the streets selling myself or Wal-Mart; whatever paid the most. The funny thing about t.v. shows that deal with the airline industry is that they obviously only show the best parts. We see Southwest on layovers and 8 out of 10 times they�re talking about how we�re lucky because they�re not given respect. But then I think how can you. You�re singing down the aisle. But as my little cousin says. I�m not a hater. I couldn�t watch the whole hour because I realized that my heart started racing like it does at work sometimes when you have that man/woman yelling at you. So I thought to myself that it didn�t make sense to watch a reality show about you when you live the reality. Second, I found this site that listed all the countries you have visited. The places in red is where I�ve been in the world. I thought I�d been to a lot but looking I see I have a lot more to go. I�ve only been to 14% of all the countries. This has more to do with my airline than me I suppose.
create your own visited country map I obviously do better when it comes to the US where it comes to a smooth 92% which isn�t bad. I guess.
create your own visited states map border="0" alt="" And finally. I think This video clip is so funny. Even though I hate the stereotypes of Gay flight attendants I�ve saved this in my archives. This has been passed on to a lot of flight attendants around the system and the goal is to tell which one fits your personality most. I have to soon pretty much none of them. I hope.
4:49 p.m. :: 2 comments so far ::
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