Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

Moving to Canada

Thursday, Jan. 29, 2004
I am not an activist. I don�t know if I�m have an activist bone in my body but yesterday I found myself saying something to a friend and then I found myself echoing the same thing to some else today. Almost as if I was on auto pilot. I�m not going to stay in this country after my parents are gone. Now a close friend of mine has always said that she wanted to live outside the country but I always said that it wasn�t for me but things have changed.

This presidential election is bothering me a lot. We have a major player in the political party saying that the whole thing about weapons of mass destruction was wrong. Ok I am willing to admit that maybe GW and Colin Powell received bad information. I can deal with that. But it seems as if no one wants to hold anyone accountable. I even heard today that it was Bill Clinton�s fault. He was the one who hired the guy at the CIA who hired David Kay. It�s nonsense. The fact that no one wants to hold George Bush Jr. accountable bothers me. And I�m starting to think that this country is become ultra conservative and as a Black male, A Gay Black male, A Gay Black male who isn�t doing the greatest job of saving for retirement, A Gay Black who doesn�t save well and already has medical problems. I realized that I need to be in a more liberal society.

Then when I read this article . I was in shock. Now I can say this. I�m not 100% for Gay adoption. I do believe that children are probably raised best in a two parent household with a man and woman. I just think it�s easier. But the stats read that if you are a �brown or black� child or a child with HIV or a child with physical or mental problems, you will NOT be adopted. You will spend the majority of your life in foster care. You may luck out and live with a great foster family but you may end up with a foster family like the ones who locked their foster kids in a closet for days and days on in.

The fact that the Government can be so closed minded to say that it�s better to be in a male/female home and not discuss the exceptions to the rules. The fact, the hard facts are that most of the people who adopt are White people. The majority of White people want perfect little White babies. Now, I�m not mad at them. I understand. Who doesn�t want perfection? But the problem out there is that a lot of babies who are not perfection are put up for adoption and a lot of Gay people, Black, White or Yellow will adopt these children.

An acquaintance of JAB�s, an interracial couple has adopted two children in L.A. one Black and the other one Amer-Asian. The Amer-Asian child has AIDS the Black child is a crack child. These kids were in foster care for 3 and 2 years respectively. No one wanted them except for this Black and White Gay couple who give them the world. So Jeb Bush thinks its best that they stay in foster care instead of being in a household where even though it�s not 100% of what�s best but it�s close to 90% best. Quoting Jermaine Jackson�s 80�s semi hit, it�s the closet thing to perfect that they�ll ever see. Excuse my langue but FUCK you Jeb Bush. And all of the non sensible conservative that are out there. I don�t mind being conservative because in all honesty I am one too but this is bull and you�re not hurting me as a Black Gay male. You�re hurting the kids.

1:33 a.m. :: 1 comments so far ::
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