Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS


Tuesday, Dec. 09, 2003
I finally went to the doctor to day. It was a new doctor because my regular doctor couldn�t see me until the 29th of December and I didn�t want to wait so long so I went to one of those urgent care places that are actually not an urgent care place. I was at first kinda of intrigued because the receptionist on the phone sounded very gay. When I got there I saw a lot of gay patients and the doctor who I saw was gay. He diagnosed me with acid reflux which I don�t really know is true because my chest hurts a lot but he told me that acid reflux would add pressure to my chest and make it hurt. He said it would also give the �sensation� that I am out of breath. Anyway I go back to see him in two weeks. There is a part of me that I would like to have a Gay doctor. It would be something a little different for me. But I like my old doctor. He�s very through and I feel like he�s a good doctor but I hate that it takes at least 2 weeks to get an appointment to see him. I don�t want to be floating around with two doctors because it just doesn�t make sense and I think that thing about my medical history would get lost between the shuffle. Also in some weird way, I would feel bad about leaving my old doctor. Almost like I�m leaving a marriage because the spark isn�t there anymore. I know it sounds silly and common sense tells me that if my old doctor is booked up until the 29th of December more than likely he wouldn�t miss me. But I still feel like I�m leaving him.

Speaking of leaving, I�m thinking about leaving Diaryland and going someplace else. That someplace is for now is Scribblejournal . katress was talking about it in her last entry and I went over there and I seemed fresh. It also seems to have a little bit more going on over there than here. My Gold membership runs out the end of December and I�m guessing that will give me enough time to take for a test drive to see if I like it. I still plan to update here also but realistically speaking I having been updating a lot anyway so I don�t know if I have it in me to update in two places. But we�ll see. I do this with a lot of trepidation. I had a diary before for about 3 months but it got really weird and I gave it a second try here at Diaryland and I�ve been here for over a year. It was a year November 16th. I guess I�m checking to see if the grass is a little greener someplace else.

So we�ll see what happens.

6:45 p.m. :: 1 comments so far ::
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