Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

Welcome To My World

Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2003
First of all, obviously I have changed my template, a little more fall like and not quite as dark. Even though I miss my grey.

I had an interesting talk with a friend of mine today; ok Bob and I are not really friends. I wouldn�t even stretch to say aquaintance. Really I don�t like him and he really doesn�t like me. Our friendship has pretty much collapsed to a point where he calls me when he�s bored. Because I�m never really that bored I never call him. When we speak on the phone he has a way of constantly trying to put me down in subtle ways that I think he thinks I don�t get. I just chose not to comment.

There is a CNN personality who is pretty much openly Gay. Bob has a huge, huge crush on him and his dream was that one day this personality would be in Atlanta and they would meet up. Bob assured me that if he ever had the opportunity to meet this personality he would sleep with him. I would always respond to such statements with my �what if he has a partner or what if he�s not your type?� Bob would always respond back with I�m tall and I have blonde hair, I�m everyone�s type. So I would say well so does that mean that I�m no one�s type and he gave this laugh and said that I was an acquired taste.� I took it in stride and I told him that one day I would welcome him to my world.

He called me and told me that he saw said CNN personality at a club in Atlanta and he was ready. Bob told me that he had a couple of shots to get his courage up and watched him on the dance floor. He said that finally he went to him and started talking to him. He said that personality was extremely nice to him so Bob went in for the kill and asked the personality if he wanted to go to his condo to �have some drinks.� Said personality politely declined saying that he had recently met someone and that he was meeting him there. Well Bob, not defeated said that he would wait until this new person showed up so he could size up the competition. Bob said that 10 minutes later the guy showed up and Bob was heartbroken. The guy was about 6-2, muscular and may I add� BLACK. He said that the CNN personality�s face shined when he saw the guy and they made out shameless for 5 minutes before they left hand in hand.

I tried not to laugh because Bob was genuinely in shocked. He said that he has never heard of someone turning downing someone Blond. (Yes these were his actual words.) I said well Bob; maybe you�re just not an acquired taste. So Bob, welcome to my world.

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