Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

Wireless Networking Day

Saturday, Oct. 04, 2003
I have spent the good part of today and yesterday trying to set up my wireless networking. I�m having one of the days again when I wish that I had a MAC since I always hear how easy it to set it up on a MAC and of course it�s taken me all day to set this up on my Windows machine. Anyway so far so good but I�m not expecting this to work forever because it is a Windows problem.

I do feel the freedom of being able to connect to the internet from any room that my lap top will go. It�s fun.

JAB is with my parents. He�s taking them to the military base commissary. I hate the commissary because I hate shopping for groceries in general but I especially hate shopping for groceries with my parents and since JAB loves shopping I thought it would be nice for him to go. Now of course I�m a little apprehensive for reasons unknown.

Lastly to the person who told me that they were taking me out of their favorites because I was too depressing. Please stop reading my stuff ok. Yes I can be a Drama queen and sap but again I don�t think there is a rule saying that you have read my diary. Just leave it alone.

Ok in honor of the California Governor�s race please clickThis. For some reason it�s made me laugh all day. It�s safe but has music attached and did I add very fun.

1:27 p.m. :: 0 comments so far ::
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