Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

Lazy day

Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003
JAB and I had a simple day of leisure. We didn�t do much of anything. Well I didn�t. I�ve been in my boxers all day watching TLC�s line up all day. My new crush of the day is Andrew from While You Were Out . I never really liked the show too much because the host , she kinda gets on my nerves. But today I was hating the designer de jour . She was kind of a bitch. There was this scene where she�s at Home Depot getting paint and she barks out the orders. The home owner, who was with her had to say thank you to the clerk and the designer, through in a half hearted thank you. I also didn�t like the way the designer treated the carpenter, Andrew but he held his ground which I like which made him the crush of the day. I so wish that we could have someone come here and re-decorate our house. It so needs. We have the ideas but like most people we need the money.

I answered my latest FAQ #12

. I guess the person read my last post and was worried about me. I am fine. Just going through a stage I guess. Maybe a mid life crisis or something; who knows.

I�m in one of the moods where I want night time to come so I can go to bed and go to work tomorrow just so I can get it over with. I�m dreading it as per usual. But sometimes the worst part is waiting for it to come.

Well I don�t have much to say tonight. I�m actually a little board. There�s a ton of things that need to be done but I just can�t get motivated. Maybe I�ll change my sheets, take a shower and just go to bed at 8pm. I wish I was one of those people who could actually sleep 10-12 hours straight. Hell I wish I could sleep 7 hours straight.

6:19 p.m. :: 0 comments so far ::
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