Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

Another ramble fest

Wednesday, May. 21, 2003
Today was one of those days that seemed to last forever. I was literally on the phone all day. Between the refinance of my house and the closing of my parents house and the upkeep of my grandmothers house I was pretty drained.

In the end, like it always does, everything pretty much worked out. Not the way I wanted it to but there was a resolution.

I had a conversation today with Bob, he is still with his married guy but I pretty much avoided that topic. We started talking about American Idol. I can admit that I have never watched a full episode. I�m not a real big reality show fan because I think the shows are all pretty much rigged. But Bob being who he is, is very much into it. He asked me who I wanted and I told him that I didn�t really care. I thought that the voices of both contested sounded ok but I only had the snippets I heard on the news to go by. Bob was shocked that I didn�t watch American Idol. He asked how I could be so behind in the times. I usually get pissed off when he says things like this but I didn�t this time. I just laughed. I then asked him if he planned to vote for George Bush II this time around and he said no. I told him that I really liked Howard Dean and that so far he�s my choice. He asked me who Howard Dean was. I just laughed to myself.

I�ve been going through some of my old pictures that I brought from home. I was surprised by the number of girl friends that I had in the past. I wonder what they would think of me now. I wasn�t a big stud in college or anything but I held my own and I didn�t have a hard time finding female companionship. While waiting for a phone call from my parents mortgage broker I downloaded and watched the last episode of Dawson�s Creek. That was another show that I never watched the whole way through but it was funny how I knew all of the characters. The one thing that interested me was that they made Pacey�s brother Doug gay. Was he always gay? If so I would have watched the show. Dylan Neal is one of my celebrity crushes since I had him on a flight years ago and he told me that he liked my shoes. Seeing him play a gay character was one of the few times that I could actually see one of my fantasies being played out. But I really got into his character in the series finale. I understood the predicament of not �always� being gay. Even though in my heart I knew I was attracted to men I never acted on it or talked about it. Even when I had my relationship with my college roommate I explained it away as �experimenting� At the end of the show Doug is with is boyfriend Jack and the kiss in front of an old couple. Doug looks at them and says that he�s just kissing his boyfriend and the old couple says, �That�s sweet�. I had a warm feeling inside, wishing that I could enjoy that total freedom of gayness. I had a much warmer feeling from this show that I ever have from Queer as Folk.

10:51 p.m. :: 0 comments so far ::
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