Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS


Friday, Mar. 21, 2003
I hoped that I would have something inspirational to say about the war. I don�t. I�m just a little numb. I had the worst time sleeping last night. We kept the radio on all last night. For some reason I just wanted it on so in case something big was announced I would know. The only big that happened was that I had nightmares. JAB said that I woke up him saying that Saddam Hussein was in the house. I actually remember the dream. Hussein had escaped and was somehow in our house. I found him but he attacked JAB and at some point it morphed into some Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode where Hussein and I were fighting. It sounds funny now but actually it was quite frightening.

Last night in the wee hours of the night. I was so happy not to be alone. It�s been so long since I�ve been alone that I don�t really think about it. But I was so grateful that JAB was with me. I then started thinking about the troops. More really about their family. All we hear is how �we support our troops� I�m not saying it�s a bad thing but you never hear, �We support our troops families�. I think about how my Mom did it. She was pregnant with me and her husband was in Vietnam. There are a lot of wives and mothers in that situation right now. I pray for them because I felt so out of control last night. It was like control had left me. Not that we really ever have control. September 11th proved that. But now that we are in this war, so many miles away with the knowing that it is going to hit our shores. But I just wondered what the Wives were thinking. Then I started thinking about what all the Mothers and Fathers were thinking. You are never supposed to bury a child. A I would guess that no matter how many people are telling you that your son or daughter was a hero, you�re still going against nature and burying a child.

I was reading today about the Anti-War demonstrations across the world. On the news the interviewed a guy. He was just watching the demonstrations he said something that made me think. He said that he supported the war against Iraq but he was upset by all the people who are �Pro-War� He asked how anyone could be �Pro-War�. How anyone could be pro- death and destruction. He said that he supported this war but that he was not Pro-war because War is never a Good thing. He said it best when he said that it was a way to an end. A necessary evil. I think if more people said that and weren�t constantly yelling USA like this is some sort of Olympic event. Already today 16 people have been killed in this war. Whether you are in support of this action or not, 16 American and British soldiers have lost their lives. The people who are yelling USA, do they get that? This is not a Playstation 2 game. This is real life with real death and destruction. Some parents, wives, etc will probably get a phone call tonight saying that their son, daughter, husband, wife, etc have been killed.

I can understand why people may be for this action and think that the ends will justify the means, at this point it�s best to just agree to disagree, but I don�t get the Pro-War people who are excited by this. I don�t get the people who wear the give War a chance t-shirts. I just pray for those 16 people and their families. I pray for the troops but I especially pray for the people left behind here, forced to live their normal lives knowing that they�re loved ones may not come back home. No matter what the reason, or what the outcome, War always SUCKS.

12:00 a.m. :: 0 comments so far ::
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