Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS


This diary is done on location from Las Vegas Nevada. That may sound fun but actually I�m by myself in my hotel room. That�s the part of this job that I don�t really thik that people understand abot my job. It�s lonely. I�m pretty loney right now. I don�t have the best crew. They�re nice but they weren�t interested in doing anything tonight and I�m not really the kind person to go out by myself. Dinning and stuff I�m fine with but going out and stuff I�m still pretty shy with it. I thought about going to a bar but I just don�t really think I would have fun by myself. I used to be but the older I get I seem to get less and less brave. I just don�t know what I would do at a bar by myself. I think part of it is that I don�t want to be tempted. I�m not sure if I said it before or not but JAB and had a long discussion a long time ago and decided that we were going to have a truly monogamous relationship. It�s not really normal in the gay community or if it is I don�t hear about it a lot. I�m watching Miss congeniality on TV and I�ve decided that if I were straight Sandra Bullock is who I�d want to be with. Anyway back to my thought. I don�t have anything against what people do in their relationship but we�ve decided that we were going to be 100% monogamous. I really in my heart think that JAB has been faithful to me. I have in general also. But I don�t know what would happen if I met someone. I hope I would do the right thing and pretty much I have. I�ve kissed someone before but that was about it. In my eyes it�s better that I stay here in my room and drink by myself that risk doing something. Even though I don�t think JAB would ever know I just want to try to stay honest, which explains why I�m in my room by myself drinking at 11 pm local time.

To change gears, I�m wondering a lot about this diary. I enjoy it but I think I need to make some decisions. I do this really for myself. I�ve always had some sort of diary or journal and I like the fact that this is in a form that I don�t have to keep around the house or anything but the one thing that this has is the aspect that other people read this and in some ways I feel that there is some sort of unspoken competition to get the most people to place you in their favorites. I somehow got to this diary that is fairly new. He already has more people listed in his favorites than I do and he only been around for about a month. Granted he talks about sex and masturbation a lot and I don�t. While I�m typing this I�m already hating what I�m writing. This is not about competition. It�s about me being in my room a little depressed and being able to write this. It�s about getting comments from people that I really like and wish that lived by me. I�ve always had a pretty competitive personality and I need to get past it.

Finally I woke up today to hear that Mr. Rogers had died. It really touched me because I felt that his simple message to kids to love themselves and others is something that we as adults could all use and live by.

I have a nice enough buzz to go to bed. I just wish I was home.

3:04 a.m. :: 4 comments so far ::
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