Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

My late Friday Five

Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003
My parents are here so I can�t write the way I usually do so I�ll just do my Friday Five and then write more when I can.

Questions from

1. Explain why you started to journal/blog.

Since I was about 11 I�ve had a journal or diary. I stopped about 2 years ago because quite frankly my handwriting sucks and it was a pain to write everything down because I type much faster than I write. When I came across some diaries on line I knew that�s what I needed to get started again.

2. Do people you interact with day to day or family members know about your journal/blog? Why or why not?

No one knows at all and sometimes I feel like I give a too much information that people might figure out who I am. This diary is like a secret identity I can not survive without. If people knew this was here and that it was me then it would become usually because I couldn�t express my true feelings.

3. Do you have a theme for your journal/blog?

I don�t really have a theme but my banner is related to my job which I hate because I hate the fact that my job defines me. The diary thing has taught me more and more about html so hopefully one day I�ll think of something. My page name �Here we go� Comes from one of the few shows that I must watch all the time and that�s Buffy the Vampire Slayer. There was an episode this season where she was standing over a grave and a Vampire hand shot up. She had fought this fight so many times and she made the statement, �Here we go� and it�s really how I feel so many times. I have to fight this fight called life and I pretty much get up and say, �here we go� which means to me that I�m facing the day, fighting the fight, as I always do.

4. What direction would you like to have your journal/blog go in over the next year?

I would like to be completely honest with the diary. Not that I�m not know but I leave out a lot because it involves such background history that it wouldn�t make since to the few people who read my stuff. Even though I�m not writing it for them or to them I just like to be complete in my thoughts. I would also like to be more positive.

5. Pimp five of your favorite journals/blogs.

Can�t do that because my favorites change all the time. The journals in my favorites are my favorites because I learn something, or I laugh or I feel sad. It all depends on what�s going on in their life.

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