Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS


Monday, Feb. 10, 2003
I'm tired and I have a headache. I've had a headache since about 3 am this morning. While I was in bed last night I started thinking about what it felt like when you died. I know it sounds morbid and I don't mean it to be, but the thought as stayed with me all day. I just wonder in that last moment of breath, do you know that it's the end, is your God of choice there waiting for you with his/her hand out. Oh well, just one of htose weird things that I do and think about which makes me a freak.

It just hit me, even though I've known about it that my parents will be here in about 4 days. Right on Valentines day so JAB and I won't really have a chance to celebrate. It's kinda always been that way since my birthday is the day before and it's always been odd since JAB always takes my birthday off from work. He can't take off my birthday and take off Valentines day so it always gets left behind.

I was watching this show on tv called Girlfrieds. It starts Diane Ross' daughter. I dont' mind it because it's not the typical "black" fair that the UPN usually drags out. But it was the whole Valentines day theme and I realized that I'm not the most romantic person out there. I wish I had it in me but I'm not. It's one of those things that I have to change but I don't know if it's possible. My parents are not the lovey dovey type people. I just know that there's love in their relationship so enough said. I wish that I could come up with some romantic thing for JAB that would knock him off his feet.

Any ideas welcome.

9:46 p.m. :: 1 comments so far ::
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