Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

Saturdays get me down.

Saturday, Feb. 08, 2003
I'm starting to hate Saturdays. I worked so hard to get them off, well really I didn't work hard it's just that I finally have enough seniority to hold them off, well at least for know. All may change next month. Anyway, JAB used to work from about 10-2 on Saturdays, whcihc gave me enough alone time and but know he has another client which means he doesn't get home until 5-6 which is most of the day. For some reason when he's home I get motivation to do things, even if it means watching CNN or something but when he's gone I spend way too much time on the computer. Now that it's after 9 I feel like I've wasted the time away. The computer is such a wonderful thing but also a demon. I spent most of my time listening to NPR in Cleveland and listening to this jazz station in London. While doing that I ended up reading more and more diaries. I added some to my favorites but now I'm wondering if I have too many. Before I only had about 5 or 6 now I have about 10 which seems to be a lot since I really want to spend time reading them as I hope people spend time reading mine. The bad thing is that usually when I check into to diaryland, everyone has posted so I read about 5 and then move on. But now I have to do research reading to figure out what these people are about. That took a lot of time today and even though it was very insightful I began to get that sinking feeling that I have two themes in my diaries, bitching or depression. I just hope that I don't come across that way in my real everyday life. I talked with MR today and she told me that we really need to quit working for the airline. Well DUH! I reminded her that we are in the worst economy that I've lived through as a working guy and that Atlanta has the 4th worse job market. So what am I supposed to do. It didn't help when she told me that my base will be adding about 400 more people due to the base closings and that they are probably all senior to me. Oh well, what can I do?

I did spend an hour watching some old six feet under tapes. I realized the fact that like, most shows it was better the 1st season and that the actor who plays Keith on the show is very, very attractive and I hope that they keep him with David.

At this point I am amazed at my own lameness and will finish my laundry so JAB can go to bed early and paint the family room, soon to be called Entertainment room.

9:39 p.m. :: 2 comments so far ::
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