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...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

My Weekend Shame

Monday, Jan. 20, 2003
A few minutes ago I had a cup of Tomato soup which is the first meal I�ve had all weekend. It has probably been 5 or 6 years since I have had as much to drink as I had last Saturday night. It all started innocently enough. JAB and I had our weekly Mexican dinner splitting the usually pitcher or Margaritas. On the way home we talked about how we never really did anything anymore. I should have left it at that. Once we got home I turned on the radio and heard all this great music and I decided that we should go out, like we used to. He was game.

We ended up down the street at the local bar. I know when I made my first mistake. I never mix alcohol. That�s a lesson that I learned a long time ago and I�m not sure why or what made me go against a rule that I knew. I had a Margarita there but it was just too sweet. The more I drank of it the more I hated it so I decided to switch to Martini�s. That was the end of me. I spent the majority of Saturday night/Sunday morning on the bathroom floor. I spent all of yesterday between my bed and dry heaving. I �m pretty disappointed in my self because I thought I was past the point where I didn�t know when to stop. I have hangovers. I�m still not feeling great today I was able to keep down a half of a hamburger, four crackers and I just had a cup of Tomato soup which is kinda making my stomach hurt. I�ll be 35 years old in less than a month but I still don�t know how not to get too drunk.

Today was MLK Day and I did get out for that, which I will talk about more later. I�m just disappointed that because of my poor judgment on Saturday night I couldn�t enjoy it the way I wanted to.

11:38 p.m. :: 4 comments so far ::
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