Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS


Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2003
I have come to another one of those conclusions that seems to be happening this year. I like expensive things. I don't know it it's just because things are expensive or is it because I have expensive taste. I'm really hoping that I'm don't have one of those compulsive disorder things. I like to spend money especially when I'm in a mood which I've been in the past couple of days.

I went to Macy's to pay my credit card bill and I just walked around looking at things that I really wanted but couldn't afford. The thing that really caught my eye was a pair of suede jeans. They just looked so comfortable and sharp. I tried them on and they fit perfectly. Of course they were 170 dollars. I tried so hard to justify spending that much money for a pair a pants that I will only wear out to dinner every once in a while. But I wanted them so bad. I made myself leave Macy's and once I got in my car and left I was ok with not buying them. Then I went to T.J. Maxx and found all of these sweaters on sell. I bought 3 for me and 1 for JAB. The total price came to 45 dollars and I was content. Then I went next door to Circuit City. I don't really know why since in general I don't like Circuit City. I have never been to a store where no one knows anything. Case in point, I've been wanting a DVD player. Nothing fancy, just something to play my DVD's that's all. They had one on sale for $59. I thought that was a steal. They also had one for $69 and $79. I know a lot about computers but nothing really about DVD players so I ask the guy who's standing there what the differences were between the two. He told me he didn't really know. I just looked at him and asked him if he worked in the DVD department. He said that he did. I laughed, not really in his face but I know I irritated him. I bought the $59 one and I'm happy with it. I just hate that in the quest to pay on a bill I spent $100 and I'm supposed to be saving money. Not Good, even though I look really good in that red sweater.

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