Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

New Years Eve

Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2002
Ok, Just a quick note. JAB and I are going down the street for out New Years Eve Celebrations. It's just a neighborhood bar but it's the most we've done in a long time.

For some reason I'm not feeling the New Years thing that I think a lot of people are. I don't really feel like making a resolution even though I should since everyone else does. There's a good chance that by the end of the week I will have a new used car. Even though in my mind I know I can't really afford a car payment. I just want a new one. I went to the Acura dealer today and looked at a car but I couldn't drive it since it was so close to closing time. I just don't know if this is a omen telling me to stick with my Mitsibishi.

Lastly, I just want to admit something. I have a crush on Anderson Cooper, the CNN anchor. It has been a long time since I can say that I've had a crush but I do. I had him on the airplane about a month ago and something rose a spark. The reason that it's a big deal is that I don't have crushes. I really don't. I never had. But there's something about him. Maybe it's the mystic of the Gloria Vanderbilt thing. I remember my mother used to tell me that Gloria Vanderbilt was really in love with this Black piano player (I don't remember his name but he was famous) That used to be the rumor in the south that Gloria Vanderbilt was sleeping with this Black man but she couldn't tell people because he was Black and she was Gloria Vanderbilt. So I had this fantasy for about 5 minutes where Anderson Cooper would want me but couldn't admit it because he was a new reporter and couldn't deal with media. Well know that I have spilled the beans, the crush is fading.

Anyway, to any one who happends to read this. Happy New year. I wishing peace love and joy to everyone. I know it sounds corny but I really mean it.

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