Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

Random Rambling

Sunday, Dec. 29, 2002
Things are finally getting back to normal since my parents left. I really do miss them here but I am enjoying my life getting back to normal. Whatever normal is.

I just came back from work. I did a LaGuardia NYC turn. Going up there we had some soap opera star. Someone from Days of Our LIves. I don't watch it but one of the woman on my trip was very excited. I don't think he's a big star. I looked at him a lot mostly the way he dressed. Nothing special. I just realized how much I hate wearing a uniform. It always amazed me how flight attendants walked around feeling sexy at work. I feel like such a pig when I'm wearing that uniform. As I was searving him I started thinking to myself, "would this guy ask me out in this uniform." Now I realized two things, 1st, I have no idea if he was Gay and 2nd I wasn't attracted to him in the slightest. I just started having these random thoughts of who people end up hooking up with. JAB is not my type at all. Except he has dark hair. But he grew on me. I don't know if I even have a type. I know that most of the people I find attractive most other people don't. I just always wonder what JAB sees in me. I don't see myself as attractive. Not ugly but no attractive.

When I was young I realized that I was going to be short, I'm 5-8. I realized that I wasn't going to be overly attractive but I wanted to be in the popular group. The only way I did that was to dress well. So since Jr. High on I have been pretty much a clothes horse. Within reason I try to stay up with the current fashions and all. It's just that I realized today that no matter what I wear, I'm still whoever I am. Clothes really doesn't matter. I'm still 5-8 and I still have a very short neck and I'm still just a regular guy. I'm really ok with that. Which I guess means I'm growing up?

11:45 p.m. :: 0 comments so far ::
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