Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS


Monday, Jan. 05, 2009
Note to self... Do not watch Intervention when you are depressed. I took it pretty personally since instead of the show being about drug or alcohol it's about a young guy who is dealing with depression and diabetes. He's an only child and has very few friends. Wow that sounds familiar.

I took this week off from work. My goal was to get my car worked on, clean my closet and paint my desk. I've done all 3 except for the desk thing which is turning out harder than I thought. I also said I would post again. I read somewhere that the lifestyle blog is out but for me I think it will help me. My goal is at least once a week. I'm not that familiar with Diaryland like I used to be. Not sure if I'll do the GOld thing again but I'm back again for a while.

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