Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS


Monday, Apr. 05, 2004

1. My parents are trying to network for me so I will be able to find a new job. The thing is that I hate networking and I hate talking to people who I don�t know.

2. JAB needs to cut his hair. He needs a style. I know it�s not my hair but it�s juts bugging me.

3. It bugs me that JAB has no personal style at all. He doesn�t really care what he wears. As long as it�s COMFORTABLE. Yes I�m into comfort too but there�s a line between comfortable and sloppiness and he continuously leaps over that line.

4. I hate my job. I have to go to work tomorrow and I�m dreading it. I�m also dreading the fact that the two woman I have to work with have been flying for 25 + years. That means no real conversations just that bile small talk which bores me to tears.

5. I need to start reading again. For some reason I�m loose interest in books once Spring comes along. I don�t know why?

6. This daylight saving time is kind of cool but then I hate that it gets so light in the morning. It just doesn�t seem natural.

7. The fact that it stays light so late at night reminds me of when I was a child. I could play outside longer.

8. JAB looked at dinning room tables today. I don�t think we�ll ever get out of debt. We want, want, want.

9. My parents are coming over for Easter. I know this sounds bad. JAB told me it sounds bad but I don�t like when the spend the night. There�s no reason for them to spend the night anymore. They live 45 minutes away. I drive them. Even one night would be fine but it�s going to be two. They don�t understand that it messes up my fragile semblance of normalcy.

10. JAB hit me with a low blow reminding me that both of his parents are dead and that his Mother never got a chance to visit him in Atlanta.

11. Keith Boykin is my new hero and one of the few Black Gay activists out there. Here�s a great article about Gay marriage and it's relationship to the civil rights movement if you�re so inclined.

12. I�ve come to realize that Gay marriage will never become legal. That bothers me.

13. I don�t want to go to work tomorrow.

14. Someone emailed me and asked what my title �Here we go� meant. Writing it down sounds stupid but it comes from my well known favorite show. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. There is an episode when she is at a grave yard. A vampire is starting to rise and she simple says, �Here we go�. It wasn�t in a let me kick some ass way it was in a, here we go again way, which completely describes how I feel a lot. Often I feel like life is something that you have to endure. That sounds morbid or incredible pessimistic which I don�t think it is but then again looking at my life, maybe it is. One day soon I may change it to something else. But not today.

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