Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS


Sunday, Dec. 14, 2003
It�s funny how life works out. Ok maybe not funny but it�s funny to me. JAB is totally drunk right now, I mean, throwing up drunk and I�m not. I drank more than him but he�s drunk and sick and usually it�s me. The main question to me is could I live a life without alcohol like our friend Ted and my friend tmb. I started thinking about the how I hate Saturday night at Mary�s. It�s usually crowded and full of old Queer as Folk type men who get on my nerves. But tonight it was such a normal everyday crowd. I made friends with a bunch of Lesbians and just had a great time. But would I have had as much fun if I was sober. Our friend Ted doesn�t go to bars at all any more because he is in recovery and he just can�t deal with drunk people. In some ways I feel like I�m being a hypocrite by being there and relying on liquor to make me have a good time. If you look at the definition of alcoholism it talks about dependency of the substance. Well then am I an alcoholic because I depend on alcohol to loosen me up?

Ok I know this is the stuff that gets me hate mail so I should just let it go. But if anyone has any ideas or opinions I am happy to hear it, but please no mail about how I�m too out there. Ok.

Oh and if anyone really cares the whole scribblejournal thing. Well I'm just not getting good vibes from it so I will probably be here for a while.

2:17 a.m. :: 1 comments so far ::
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