Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS


Thursday, Aug. 28, 2003
I�ve always wondered this. Are people who are not from the USA turned on by our accents the way that we or should I say I am turned on by their accents. At work yesterday we took the New Zealand Kayak team or something like that from LAX to ATL. Of course they were all buff as hell and much taller than me which made me feel insecure. But I�m used to that now so I move on. Anyway yes they were all buff and in the hot to average range but it was the accent. For some reason the whole, English, Irish, Australian and New Zealand accent is just so incredibly sexy to me and to a lot of American�s. I just wonder how our accent is to them. I went out with a guy who lived in Brighton England for a short period of time and he said that he loved my accent. It�s so funny to me how accents work because I don�t think that I have one. I�ve been told that it�s a cross between Midwestern and Valley speak but I think that�s because I have the unfortunate idiosyncrasy that I use the word �like� in a lot of my sentences. It�s gotten a lot better but I know when I moved here people asked me if I was from California. The good thing about these guys were that they were so nice. I try to avoid American athletes because many of them have the asshole factor that really annoys me but these guys were very polite and said thank you. Thank you is a big thing in my industry because you never hear it. In June a friend and I were working a flight and we decided to do a test, we would give a free beer or liquor to anyone who said thank you. We were on a plane that held 243 people .All seats were taken. We gave 11 drinks free. That includes the people who refused. It�s just the life we live in know.

Lastly I want to thank all of the people who wrote kind words in my comments section. I have to admit that those simple words of encouragement moved me to tears and again I am not a crying person. Every time I think about ending this diary I have a moment where I realize that most of you, even though it sounds weird are my best friends.

Ok enough with the melodrama. I bought the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Chaos Bleeds game today. I can�t say that I love it but I�ve played it for about 2 hours straight. JAB is mad at me because I won�t watch Queer Eye. I�ve watched a half of an episode and I really don�t like it. He said that I was a Gay Uncle Tom. I hope not I just think that show is kinda prejudiced. As I said before it�s a misnomer that all Gay people have fashion sense and style. In fact in my group I am the only one.

JAB and I had such a great time at dinner that we thought about going out tonight but we realized that we are not mature enough to go into a bar and just have one drink since we both have to work tomorrow. I guess in some ways that makes us mature right?

10:36 p.m. :: 0 comments so far ::
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