Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone

Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003
I had a very strange day today. Not really today but when I got home from my parents. JAB called me and asked if I had heard about a flight attendant killed in a plane crash. JAB is a non news person so a lot of times he�ll hear something that happened 2 years ago and assumed it happened yesterday. I told him that I hadn�t heard of a plane crash thinking that he was talking about one of the majors. He told me that one of his clients, a flight attendant also said that we were around the same seniority and that I should know him. He then told me that it was a private plan that had crashed in Rome Georgia. It hit me that he was talking about Chris. I guy I just met the beginning of the month. Even though we�d only flew together that one time I remember him because he wanted to be a pilot. He as actually a licensed pilot looking for a job. It really bothered me because I can picture his face and his British accent. He was from Manchester England. I just felt a strange feeling. When I got home I went online to check the article and found out that I knew both of the people on the plane. Chris and Claude. I have to admit that I didn�t like Claude too much. It wasn�t that I didn�t like him, I didn�t really know him. He was hired during the time that we were hiring a lot of company transfers and he was just very annoying to me. He just towed the company line so much and I hate to admit it but he was so incredible straight and always had to tell everyone that he was straight.

The strange thing is that I saw Chris on the 8th and saw Claude on the 6th. I didn�t know that they were friends or that Claude was a pilot. I just feel very mortal right now. I just can�t shake the feelings. It seems like the past year or so there has been so much death. Death of people who I know and don�t know and wanted to know better. It makes me think that of the adage that my Mother and Grandmother used to and still do say all the time. �Tomorrow is not promised to anyone.� God it�s so true.

10:20 p.m. :: 0 comments so far ::
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