Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

Random thoughts

Tuesday, Jul. 29, 2003
Well I made it home. Thank God. Two days off. I need it. I�m actually not going to spend much time on this entry. I�m a little tired (as always) and I need to start cleaning this dirty place I call a house.

I added two more questions to my FAQ questions page. Questions 8 and 9 are new. I haven�t had a lot of people asking questions but the people who have are asking some interesting ones. I like the idea but I�m not liking the new layout of Bravenet . If anyone knows of another free FAQ type page please let me know. Also of course, if you have a question ask it.

This is something else that is interesting. My Secret admirer

, Well he�s not really a secret because I know who he is, bought me some free banners and has volunteered to make them for me. I don�t accept gifts well and I feel kinda bad because I told him that we really shouldn�t correspond anymore but I do thank him for the gift so be on the lookout for some dbfeb banners.

And lastly I was very saddened to hear that American�s especially Black American�s having become Click Less tolarant

less tolerant of Gay people since the Supreme Court rulings. Minorities have always had a problem with homosexually but according to some statistics they have the same numbers of homosexuals as White Americans they�re just more in the closet. I also read that the HIV/AIDS is starting to rise

again in the Gay community. I know that I am often on my soap box and I don�t mean to offend anyone but in this day in age NO ONE should be contracting HIV. We know what�s out there and we know how to protect ourselves. I read someone that the whole barebacking thing (having sex without a condom) is very popular and on the rise. I don�t understand that. I guess it�s because I grew up, at least sexually, in the age of AIDS. I remember so well hearing about Rock Hudson and thinking that I had to always use a condom even when I was having sex with women. I can say that I�ve only had sex without a condom once and it still gives me chills thinking about it. I know it�s all about personal choice, it�s been equated with riding a motorcycle without a helmet and I know that people are living longer and longer with HIV and AIDS but having seen people that I know and care about die from the disease I just think it�s not worth it. Ok I�m off my soap box now.

9:57 p.m. :: 0 comments so far ::
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