Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS


Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2003
I finally did my laundry. I know it doesn't sound like a big deal but it was piling up and I really hate doing it so I always wait until I'm out of underwear to tackle it. So of course it took all day. One day I will learn. Once a week I shall do laundry and change the sheets, that's my goal for the month.

I read somewhere that if you do something for at least two months that it will become a habit or a pattern. I'm trying that with the laundry thing and with cleaning off my desk. The desk thing will come next week. I can't handle doing the laundry and doing the desk in the same week.

I found a book at the book store about gay relationships and how to make them work. I'll post the title once I finish it. So far so good. I'm skipping the part about finding relationships because, well I already have one. A lot of it makes a lot of sense and it talks about things that I think JAB and I should have discussed before we moved in together. The thing I wonder is if we had discussed would we have argued about it and then at that point we wouldn't have moved in together. Who knows? I just wanted to read something light. I know it doesn't sound light but it is. This is what I needed after the email I received today. I'm posting it because I'm going to delete it from my email and I always feel like 10 days, weeks or months down the road I will want to read it. It's just right now I can't bare to look at it in my email box.

There is serious fallout from my MLK discussion with Eddie. He has emailed me to "break-up" with me. No we didn't have any type of sexual relationship. He's was just my first friend in ATL. It's hard when you loose a friend but I guess this is what he wants to do. In reading the email, I didn't realize how much disdain he has for me. Not really disdain but disapproval. I didn't know that he disagreed with my lifestyle so much. I don't really know what to say right know. I'll just let the email speak for itself and let it simmer in my head. If anyone reads this I have changed the names for obvious reasons and actually changed 2 Eddies and JAB. Besides that the email is what it is. I'm actually very depressed right now and JAB thinks that I'm blaming him. I'm not. I'm blaming this fucked up world for making race such an important thing. Again, another night that I'll be up all night thinking. I hate those types of nights.

8:29 p.m. :: 1 comments so far ::
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