Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

Quick note

Well it's starting know. The quest to get my parents from the west coast to ATL. The flights are full of course the whole entire week. Each year after Christmas we decided we will do what thousands upon thousands of Americans do. Buy a ticket. I hate the whole Non-rev thing. It's so funny when people know I work for an airline the first thing they usually say is "you can fly for free" I always answer that I can but only when no one else wants to go. I can not wait until my parents move here. It will just be a lot less stress. I gave JAB the laptop last night. He started crying. He was so greatful. It made me feel bad becuase such a small thing made him so happy. I just wish I could get him more. I am really messing up my schedule. I am supposed to post something here everyday and I'm barely making every other day. I have to do better. I will definetly, probably post tomorrow, even though I'm not getting nearly as many emails as I did with my old site. I advertised my old journal but it felt kind of cheesy in some ways and then I had the issues with the mean posters. I did join the gay diaryring but I feel like the majority of people on the ring are between 13-20. I though about starting a ring just for people 25 and older. Gay or straight, male, female, whatever. I really enjoy reading the diaries of other people around my age.

Lastly Michelle and I seriously talked about doing a talk show. I know it sounds weird but we think we could have a go at it. Especially in the Minority market. She's going to do some research. The thing that scares is what if we do it and it takes off but they like her instead of me. Kinda like what happened to the John Tesh Liza Gibbons Show. Oh well. I guess we'll see.

6:18 p.m. :: 1 comments so far ::
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