Here we go
...The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. BtVS

Straight vs Gay

Sunday, Aug. 03, 2003
I have to admit that right now I�m pretty buzzed. I don�t think I�m drunk but I�m preparing myself with water and aspirin to ensure that tomorrow I�m feeling ok so JAB and I can go to my parents house to hang some shelves.

JAB and I went to Mary�s which is the neighborhood gay bar. I was bored right away. For some reason the bar scene, especially the gay bar scene is getting old. This hit me close to home when this guy looked at me and said that there were no good looking people there tonight. Things got brighter when we ran into a straight couple who we�d met there previously. They love us. Which is what I don�t understand. Why do straight people enjoy our company more than gay people? There seems to be a bit of snobbery from Gay people. JAB and I will not be on the cover of Advocate or Genre magazine but we are good people. But a lot of times how you look is more important that what�s in your heart. Our hearts are big but so are our stomachs. I read that somewhere and it kinda our swan song.

Anyway, we�re going to be because we�ve had too much to drink which of course I�m thinking about my good Diaryland friend TMB who wrote a very interesting entry about drinking and the choice to obstain . At this point and time I wish I refrained and lived a life as TMB. Let�s hope tomorrow I will feel ok.

2:09 a.m. :: 1 comments so far ::
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